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If you follow me on any social media you'll know that I have been on holiday this past week.
Me and my boyfriend Reece have been to Ibiza.

It was mostly a chilled out holiday, consisting of relaxing by the pool and going out for dinners.

We did have a hire car so were able to go wherever we wanted on the island. Which we pretty much did!

Below is a photo from a beach club in Es Cana.

We also went to my favourite part of the island, which is Ibiza Town, there's just something very charming and lovely about the buildings and shops there.
It's really nice to go just as the sun is setting, below are a few photos overlooking the town.

Although we were staying on the east coast side of the island we did travel to San Antonio a few times and one of which was to spend sunset at Cafe Mambo. It was a lovely evening, but comes with quite the price tag peak season so be warned.

I did try to vlog some of our trip, watch the video here:

love Eve xo

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