It's Potent!

13:48:00 Unknown 0 Comments

As part of my Benefit advent calendar I got this mini tub of eye cream, quite a good gift I think!

For quite a while now I've been using a Simple eye cream, due to my endless eye problems I just felt it was better for them to be using less chemicals.

This eye cream is a pretty thick cream but doesn't feel like it just sits on the skin, which is great. Especially when you want to apply make up straight after your skincare routine!

With any thick cream I wouldn't advise letting it get in your eyes, but I feel like some just irritate my eyes by applying them, however this one doesn't!
So for all you sensitive eyed folk out there this product should be fine.

This cream also feels like it has a bit of a tightening effect on the skin, which really is what we all want right!?

I'm not sure it fades dark circles like it claims to. I work nights though, so I'm convinced NO eye cream could sort that out! Haha!
(If you have any recommendations please comment with them below, because I'd love to find one that does!)

This products retails for £25.50. I'm not sure it's quite worth that price tag, I would advise trying to get your hands on a sample size one first.

love Eve xx

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