Coconut oil uses

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Coconut oil is a staple item that everyone should have in their cupboard. Why?
Well it's just so damn useful!

You can use it for a ridiculous amount of thing from hair treatments to cooking ingredients!

So I'm going to share some of its uses with you below.

Oil Pulling - Teeth Whitening
I haven't really looked into this use much as I already have a teeth whitening method that works for me (Doll White Strips). However there are a lot of company marketing/ selling this method.

Hair Mask/ Oil
You can either use this as a overall hair mask or as a hair oil. I personally prefer to use it as an oil. I use it sometimes to add some moisture to the ends of my hair. As I have long hair the ends can get pretty dry so sometimes they need some added moisture from an oil, coconut oil is perfect for this. Plus it smells great.

Facial Oil
Again another I don't tend to use, but a lot of people swear by coconut oil as a facial oil. Use it overnight to add moisture to the face & to reduce oil production in the daytime. Some even use it as a cleansing oil to remove make up.

Cuticle Oil
This is what I mean by a multipurpose product, basically you can use this as an oil anywhere on the body really. A lot of people like to use it on their cuticles as part of a manicure.

On Pets/ Animals
Whether it's a dog, horse or whatever pet you may have you should have some coconut oil lying around just in case. I know last year this was an essential for my horse as he had a lot of dry scabby skin on his fetlocks (ankles) & it was the only thing that made it better. If your animal is suffering with any flaky/ scabby/ dry skin issues apple some coconut oil to the area a few times, you will see a difference.

A lot of healthy recipes these days use coconut oil in them. It can be using in baking for flavour & in cooking to add your diet. Using it to grease a pan can help add to your good fat for the day. It can be very helpful if you're very strict with your diet or counting your macros.

Love Eve xx

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