Let's get healthy - Week 2 & 3

12:21:00 Unknown 1 Comments

So I forgot to do my health update last week so I'm going to combine this week & last week.

I have been continuing with the diet by having more vegetables, fish & other good stuff!
I have been drinking less alcohol and drinking water along side it when I have been out.
(Which I strongly advise to everyone, that way you remember the night & don't wake up with a hang over.)

I also mentioned in the previous post about the vitamins I have started taking, below is a photo of them. The box on the right are also my eye drops, which have really been helping my eyes. I have been religiously taking these, which is good for me because I get really lazy with taking vitamins.

I also have been trying to continue exercising at least one/twice a week. I think last week I only exercised once, but I plan on making up for it this week.

I haven't exactly taken up walking but I have been getting out more and doing more stuff around the yard. So just generally being more active in the daytime.

So overall I think I'm doing pretty well, I could still be doing more but for now I'm already feeling better for making these little changes.
I also have a follow up appointment with doctor next week to find out what's going on internally.

love Eve x

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1 comment:

  1. Great!
    Always is good to have good habits!
