Candy kittens

09:04:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Time for snack?
If you've been here for a while you'll know that I'm gluten intolerant, which means my body struggles to break down gluten & foods with it in.

I check the bad of every food packet I pick up, I have to. However some things like sweets don't always come in packet that breakdown the ingredients. So I have a way of staying on the safe side of things..

Eat specialised gluten free sweets!

Candy Kittens are a company that make gluten free & (some flavours) vegan gourmet sweets. They have actually just undergone a rebrand so their flavours are limited, however my favourite are the Wild Strawberry & Eton Mess.

They sweets are great if you fancy a littler gluten free treat! They aren't that healthy so I wouldn't recommend eating a whole bag in one go, but they are nice to have now & again.

I also really like their new packaging!
These used to be quite hard to get hold of, but they are now available in your normal supermarkets as well shops like Selfridges.

Love Eve xx

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