Let's Get Healthy #4

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So it has been about a month since I wrote one of these posts. So that's means I've been gluten free for about that amount of time too!

I honestly think it's the best lifestyle decision I've ever made!
I feel so much better!

I have also noticed I haven't been feeling as run down & sluggish in general. It's amazing the difference it has made. I have still been suffering from my allergy but other than that I haven't been ill in any way.

I also noticed within the first week of the diet I had lost about two pounds. I don't want to lose weight but that indicates that it might help people do so.

I am just loving not feeling bloated. Before, I was feeling like I looked fat (for me) but now I'm noticing it must have just been bloating. below is a photo of how my stomach is looking now, which I am pretty happy with honest.

The only problem with this diet is I don't often feel full. I guess because what my brain has always thought is full is actually bloated. So I am therefore eating more, but am not putting on weight (sounds great doesn't it, this might not be the case for everyone though).

Due to this constant feeling hungry I haven't been exercising as much because it leaves me feeling starving even more. Naturally, because of the amount of calories you burn whilst exercising. However I am doing more stuff with my horse as the weather is getting better, which results in more exercise!

So I am getting on track with the diet & exercise side of things!

As for my allergy, I have finished all my allergy testing & have my vaccine. Now it's just a case of building up a resistance. However if it doesn't work it means there is another allergy to something we haven't tested. This could be a very long road (hopefully not), but we'll just have to see!

Also in case you are wondering the hospital I have been going to is called Breakspear Medical Group.

love Eve xx

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