Netflix Recommendations #1

17:45:00 Unknown 0 Comments

I love Netflix!
I'm sure most of you guys do too, so here are some of my current recommendations on what to watch.

This list is going to be pretty varied, but I figure that way there should be something for everyone!

1. Lie To Me

I loved this show when it first aired back in 2009! I have to say that it certainly hasn't aged, which is great. It would probably be classed as a Crime Drama series. However it's a little different from the usual, as it's not about the physical evidence. It's bases on Tim Roth's character (Cal Lightman) reading people's faces & body language. At first that sounds a bit silly but they actually make it very scientific in the series.

2. American Horror Story

Firstly if you haven't heard of this show.. where have you been?!
The first three series are available on Netflix & they've not long finished airing the fourth on tv. If you like horror you'll love this! Even if you don't like horror though you should give this one a go! It's creepy I'll give you that, but they have a whole series to scare you so it's not quite the same as a 90 minute horror flick of intense fear & gore. It's quite sexually explicit too, so not exactly suitable for younger viewers.

3. Friday Night Dinner

If you love English comedy shows you'll love this. It's a similar vain to The Inbetweeners, featuring Simon Bird who played Will in the show. It's based on a Jewish family who get together every Friday night to have dinner, however it's never that simple! Everything that could go wrong does and it's full of those 'oh god no' cringe moments. The first two series are on Netflix & the third is still available on 4OD if you love it that much.

I hope you guys found this helpful!

(All photos from Google images)

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