Back to School Make Up

14:17:00 Unknown 0 Comments

So the summer holidays are drawing to a close (sorry to anyone going back to school).
However that can sometimes means the pressure to return to school looking fresh.

Firstly don't let the pressure get to you! You do you!

However if you are looking for a fresh, clean & simple make up look for the new term check out this tutorial!

I've tried to pick drugstore products that aren't going to break the bank!
So this look is about using less products to save yourself some pennies.

For the base we'll be using a tinted moisturiser as I don't feel foundation is necessary for school (unless you are suffering with your skin & prefer more coverage).

We're also keeping the eyes simple, using one colour of cream shadow & just mascara.
As with the brows & only using a tinted gel.

I have also put in some optional extras, like the primer, blush & bronzer.

So watch the tutorial here:

I hope you all had a great summer holiday!

Love Eve xx

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