Big Blue

10:02:00 Unknown 0 Comments

I am still very much on the Lush hype!
I mean lets be honest there's just so much stuff to try.

I recently hauled a few things from Lush, so as usual I'd like to review them.

Today we're going to be talking about Big Blue.

Big Blue is one of their bath bombs from their permeant range. It is meant to evoke summer time and the seaside, as it contains sea salt & seaweed. It's scent is perfect beachiness, which I think is really nice & refreshing.
The combination of seaweed & sea salt makes for really exfoliating yet softening on the skin.

It also contains oils which act to clear the mind, cleanse & as an antiseptic. So if you're feeling a little stressed & are having some skin issues this bath bomb is the one for you. I actually keep getting bitten at the moment, due to the weather & the antiseptic in this bath bomb has soothed them lovely!

The only thing I don't like is removing the seaweed from the bath. It does tend to get stuck in the plughole, so be prepared to get it out with your hands (not so relaxing).

Love Eve xx
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