A Note to Bloggers...

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If you have even an interest in blogging you'll know that it's massive right now.
If you blog, just for yourself, go you! I think that's great.

I personally blog, because firstly I love doing it! I find it very therapeutic sometimes.
I also do it because all of my friends ask my opinion on products, so I figure this is an easier way of telling them, instead of having to re-tell the say thing to different people.

I also love reading other people's blogs too. However I don't always feel like this is mutual with some bloggers. I'm not focusing on any in particular here, just to clarify!

Some might say this is a 'rant' or 'bashing' style blog post, it's really not intended that way. I just want to highlight new/ growing bloggers of a few things.

1. Blogging is easy work.
WRONG! If you really want to have a good looking & interesting blog you will need to work bloody hard at it! It's all about looking professional. The blogging 'community' is very competitive at the moment, which can be intimidating but don't let that stop you. Just put some of those old Myspace HTML skills back into act.

2. You must be a photographer.
This one isn't true, but I'm sure many of you are starting out feel like it is. All blogging is really, is great practice for photography. Enjoy it, learn from it. Jump out of your comfort zone & try using M mode.Trust me, it's life changing!

3. It's all about views & making dollar.
If that's why you're blogging, you're definitely in it for the WRONG reason my friend! It's not a 'get rich fast' scheme that's for sure. You have to promote, promote, promote. As well as post, post, post! It's a long old saturated road.

4. It's all about success & the numbers!
I hope you guys are getting the sarcasm by now, haha. Seriously though guys, blog because you enjoy it & are passionate about the subject topic. Don't look too much at the numbers, especially early on.
Also if you have a blog please leave me a link in the comments!

Love Eve xx 

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