My Treadmill Routine

12:56:00 Unknown 0 Comments

So my cardio is terrible!
Therefore one of my current aims is to improve it & get my resting heart rate down.

The way I intend to do this is by using a treadmill.
One because British weather is shit & two because running on the road is too hard on my shins.

So I thought why not share my treadmill routine with you guys.  By treadmill routine I mean the workout programme I intend to use to improve my cardio.

So the first thing I'm going to do, as I do with any work out, is to stretch out first. This is to reduce the risk of me pulling any muscles whilst doing my work out. This is a must before doing any exercise!
I do a few different stretches for both the legs & arms (you do move your arms when you run).

Now onto the workout!
Firstly, I start by walking at what I consider my average walking pace. I also like to have some incline, even if it's just level 1. I actually find it easier to run on an incline.
I then gradually increase the speed to a light jog, maintaining this pace for approximately 3 minutes (so after this point I am 5 minutes into the workout).

After this I then start my faster intervals. I like interval training as a whole, as it's not as tedious due to the changes of pace/ exercises (in this case pace). So by interval training I mean, running at a faster pace (about level 7.5 on my treadmill) for as long as I can or a set time limit then slow my pace, then repeat.
This is the whole principle of my treadmill workouts at the moment.

It's a great way to train as the short breaks (rest periods) allow you to recover to some degree, which means you can exercise for longer & push yourself further.
Don't over do it though & never push yourself too far to quickly!

So I hope this has helped some of you.
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Stay Fit & Stay Happy!
Love Eve xx

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