Yankee Candle, worth the hype?

10:03:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Today I'm answering a question which I myself wanted answering for so long..
Are Yankee Candles worth the hype??..

I have now tried a few different Yankee Candles, differing in scent & size.

So here's what you need to know!

Firstly, Yankee Candles have a huge variety of scents with different scents for different seasons. Cheaper candle brands won't have this sort of selection for you to choose from. If you're into different & interesting scents Yankee might be worth it for you.
Another point about them, which I see as a good point, is that they kick off a lot of scent. Even when they're not lit you can smell them through the jar! When they are lit you really don't need to burn them for long, as they give off SO much scent. So this could save you money, if they last you longer than cheaper candles.
Yankee candles also burn really evenly, considering the larger ones still only have one wick this really surprised me. This is a great feature though, as it means you waste less of your candle.

So overall, for me I'd say they are worth the hype. Although I would say to try & wait until you see them on offer still! If you're not that into home fragrance though, I'd pass on them.

Love Eve xx

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