Younique Fiber Lash

10:54:00 Unknown 0 Comments

This is a review I've been wanting to do for some time!
Younique are a make up company similar to Avon in the sense of you buy from a representative of the brand.
They're a company that I see all over social media, mostly for their star product which is there 3D Fiber Lash.

One of their representatives reached out to me & asked me to review the product.
So here are my thoughts!

Firstly a bit of info about this product. It's meant to be instead of mascara & meant to work 100 times better! It's a two step product where you apply the transplanting gel first then the fibres.
The fibres are meant to create a very full, false lash effect.

The packaging is very substantial which in some ways is nice & others not so. It's good as it means the packaging isn't likely to break and I quite like the quilted effect. However it's not very travel friendly.

So the product itself I actually really like!
I was worried that the fibres would create a clumpy look on my lashes however this isn't the case. I like to do two coats of this product to achieve a long & full lash look.

As for my sensitive eyes (I suffer from Blepharitis), they're fine with this product! I have only used this on what I call 'good days'. However I've had no problem with this product what so ever!
Which for me is pretty amazing!

You can see how long my lashes look in the photo above!
Another plus for me on this product is that it's SO much easier to use than applying false lashes.
The only annoying thing is the bits of fibre fallout you get under your eyes, but this can be wiped away.

Check out my full review here:

If you want to know more click here!

Love Eve xx
In association with Younique.

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