Why Arch Support?

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This is something I didn't understand for a long time.
However now I am all about the arch support!

Arch support is so important & so is knowing your feet.
Sounds crazy I know, but it wasn't until a few years ago I found out I have over-pronated feet.

Pronation is the roll of the feet. Feet can be under or over pronated. Over-pronation is when the has more of an inward roll of the feet, therefore pushing off more so with the big toe than the other toes.

To counter act this you can wear inserts in your shoes. However some shoes i.e. sports shoes/ trainers have different levels of arch support already in them.
I know Nike especially do a low, medium & high level of arch support in their 'dynamic support' range.

If you look at the photo above you might be able to see the over-pronation of my feet. Then see below how the trainers correct this.
I'm not sure if these specific trainers are still available but like I said above the Nike dynamic support range is great for this.

So why is it important to correct your natural foot pronation?

If you have a pretty neutral pronation is won't be much of a problem for you but for me the over-pronation of my feet affects my balance. So arch support allows me to feel more balanced.
I also notice if I'm exercising or walking for a long period without arch support my shins start hurt, this is because the over-pronation causes them to twist when pressure (my body weight) is put on them. Again arch support counter acts this.

If any of this sounds like your feet, you could possibly have over or under-pronated feet.
You can look online & do some more research to learn more or go see a podiatrist.
I would advise going to see a podiatrist anyway, as you'd be surprised what you can find out.

Love Eve xx

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