Blog Haul #1

09:50:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Why should hauls just be a youtube thing? So I'm bringing them to the blog!

So my first is a little haul from a company called Crazy Factory.
They sell things including piercing jewellery, false lashes, flash tattoos etc.

So onto what I picked up. Firstly I got some rose gold nose jewellery, a ring & a C stud. I was really interested in these as I've being whether if anyone does rose gold piercing jewellery for a while but never found any before.
The sizes do come up quite small I think, but that could be me getting the measurements wrong as I haven't order piercing jewellery in a while. However they do both fit.

The stud has a silver gem in it, which I would have preferred it without but oh well.

Then I also got a sheet of flash tattoos, just simply to experiment with as there has been so much hype around this recently (thank you festival season). They had a few different one but I decided to go with this somewhat tribal themed sheet.
I haven't tested these out yet, but I might do a blog post on them once I have.

Love Eve xx

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